Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Works Blog

This will, like most blogs, reflect the author's views on subjects ranging from current events to the struggle of Bigfoot to achieve social equality. If I were to narrow my range of topics—say to the lives of janitors in the Democratic Conventions, I would soon run out of things to say. I don't think the world could soon recover from my silence. So I'm giving myself a lot of room to squawk.

If my ideas disagree with your own, you could stand where you are and cheer for the sacred freedom of speech that we Americans enjoy (as long as we're standing in "freedom of speech zones") or you could throw something at your computer screen and call me several things I'm not. I would hope that you would at least applaud my effort. But in this world to hope for fair treatment is a lot like a child waiting to see Santa on Christmas Eve. It ain't gonna happen no matter how good we've been or how sweetly we wait.

If I should write something here that disagrees with your pet belief, I hope that you will react with fair-mindedness and aplomb. I will make my email address available for those who want to write me. But I must forewarn that I will not let Conservatives demean me. Neither will I let hypochristians besmirch my character. If you're not ready to defend yourself in this world, you might as well go knit.

Lastly, I would like to thank you for spending your valuable time reading my valuable thoughts. You could, I know, be gaming, blaming, defaming or checking out the hotties. I will try to render what modest satisfaction I may.

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